The seed for this show was planted by my dear improv comedy comrade, David Christopher, the owner of Just The Funny Theater in Miami. While I was recovering from my double mastectomy, David offered me a challenge, create a one woman show based on my Breast Cancer experience that would premiere at the end of January in the 2015 Miami Improv Festival. The idea was terrifying, 30 minutes alone on stage baring my soul. With no idea where or even how to begin my friend and Sick Puppies Comedy Head Sketch writer, Tony Rivera, joined to help me grow and shape this show.
"I Don't Have Cancer" is a non-traditional, one woman show, that incorporates stand-up, YouTube videos, and sketch comedy to explore the emotional and physical journey that Cancer has taken on me. Rather than following a standard narrative format, Tony and I, play with a modern style of story telling that is truly unique to our gifts and engages the audience in a groundbreaking way. Each scene is self contained and a story within the larger story, which keeps the audience captivated during this emotional roller coaster.
Aniela McGuinness- Co-Writer/Star
Three days prior to scheduling a preventative double mastectomy, I was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer. This show allowed me to focus my skills as an actress, improvisors, and YouTuber for a greater good and to heal my own wounds. During a time when audition and acting on normal jobs wasn't an option, "I Don't Have Cancer" became a light for me. Even my oncologist attributes this show as a reason why I am doing so well during my recovery.
Tony Rivera- Co-Writer/Director
Without Tony this show would never have happened. Working as the kind and gentle slave driver, Tony kept this project on track. Scheduling Google Hangout writing meeting in between chemo treatments, lovingly pushing me to go deeper emotionally with each scene, and being the brilliant outside eye that shaped "I Don't Have Cancer".
“This was one of the best, most creative, inspiring, relevant demonstrations of art that I have ever seen. YOU GUYS ARE SO FREAKING AMAZING. Mazel Tov.”